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Choosing the Best Video Styles for Your Internal Communications Strategy

We already know that video can be an effective tool for internal communications. In fact, according to a study done by Ragan Communications, employees are 75% more likely to watch a video than read text. The challenge, though, is using videos strategically so that you can achieve new levels of engagement.

Read on to learn about different video styles – and the purpose each one serves in your internal communications plan.

Share highlights from annual executive meetings with your entire company.

According to IBM Watson Media, 72 percent of employees do not fully understand their company’s strategy, and 58 percent wish they had better insight into the company’s next steps. Creating a highlight reel from your company’s annual executive meeting could not only solve that challenge, but also forge a stronger connection between leadership and frontline employees.

Employees are more likely to get behind the vision of someone they know. Annual executive meeting videos give your leaders the opportunity to share the strategy and goals with all employees, regardless of location or level, without having to rely on middle managers cascading information down in a less personal way. They also offer a chance to reinforce company values and share how the annual plan is working for the good of everyone, including employees, the environment and the community.

Showcase employees who set the bar for company culture and values.

Recognizing employees who are living out the culture, generating innovative business solutions, or even achieving a personal accomplishment is a powerful way to encourage others to follow their lead. If you have an employee who has done something great, create a video showcasing their story and promote it throughout the organization and via external channels. By sharing the diverse and vibrant personalities of your employees, you’ll build credibility for your culture and create a powerful tool that also enhances the organization’s recruiting, onboarding and public relations initiatives.

When developing employee-story videos, many internal communications teams take a two-pronged approach: encouraging employees to submit their own user-generated videos while also recording more formal, storyboarded videos. Both methods have resulted in significant successes in employee engagement, and both appeal to younger generations. Try a mixture of both methods and distribute the videos across different platforms to see which channels garner the most engagement.

Provide tips and reminders for your employees through short, animated videos.

Conversational and concise, short animated videos complement more robust and complex internal communications collateral and reinforce key organizational messaging. They work especially well when sharing coaching tips, including boosting performance and productivity, achieving and aligning with annual organizational goals, and encouraging team building team and collaboration.

Generally ranging from 45 to 90 seconds in length, animated video shorts are also ideal for key date reminders throughout the year. From benefits open enrollment to performance review cycles, these animated shorts can impart best practices for making the most of important organizational events.

Debut new technologies with informational and engaging videos.

From a new 3D printer on the manufacturing floor to a company-wide cloud computing upgrade, videos unveiling new products and technologies at your organization help inform, educate and excite your workforce about new technological advancements.

Tech-debut videos also give you and your internal communications team the opportunity to fuse all three types of videos mentioned earlier: key leaders can introduce a new piece of technology and explain how it will benefit the organization, employees can provide testimonials about how it has improved their workload, and animation can be featured to visually explain more complex, detailed processes.


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